To the editors at Bwog and Spec:
The Columbia University College Republicans are excited to announce that former presidential candidate Herman Cain has graciously accepted our invitation to speak at Columbia this semester! After several months of negotiations, we have secured Mr. Cain to speak at 7:00pm on Tuesday, April 10th in Low Rotunda. As per university policy, Mr. Cain will not be endorsing any political party or candidate; however, we have requested that he speak about his tax reform plan, his reflections on the Republican presidential primary, and his experiences as a black conservative in America.
We would especially like to thank the Young Americans for Freedom for their generous financial and organizational support for this event. We would also like to thank the Columbia Political Union for their cosponsorship.
Tickets will be available through the TIC on Monday. Seats are available for free for anyone with a CUID, but hurry — space is limited! Also starting on Monday, tickets can be reserved online at http://www.cuarts.com/calendar/view/type/4/event_id/13364.
The Columbia University College Republicans Executive Board
@HERMANNOOOO is the man
@just spent half an hour on the TIC website …so, I take it this is not actually real?
If it is someone tell me why the link won’t work! I WANT A TICKET
@Anonymous I think you can get tickets tomorrow starting at 1pm at the Tic Office and online.
@TIC Tickets should be available shortly. Please bear with us.
@Anonymous Herman Cain can speak at CC graduation.
@AMERICA, FUCK YEAH And if he asks me who’s the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-stan-stan, I’ll say, “I don’t know.”
If you ain’t got a job, and you ain’t rich, blame yourself! The banks may have caused the crisis in 2008, but we’re not in 2008, we’re in 2011!
Wall Street didn’t put in these failed economic policies; these protesters should be at the White House [after blaming themselves]!
I would’ve assessed… the situation in Libya, as the commander-in-chief… To see… If I would’ve done things differently…
A defined benefit plan… You go first, Newt.
This is a classic example of comparing apples with oranges. No, that’s an apple!
From now on, we’ll only have small bills. Three pages! You’ll have time to read that over the dinner table!
In all seriousness, aside from being the most intolerable egomaniac examined by the public eye (bigger than Gulati, imagine), Herman Cain was the biggest joke of a candidate this country has seen in a long time. He’s the sort of caricature the rest of the world conjures to mock the American political process… Except it turns out the doodle is the real, and the idiot actually attempted to seize the presidency. Fuck you, CUCR. This is an embarrassment.
@Goddamnit *doodle is real
@Non-American “He’s the sort of caricature the rest of the world conjures to mock the American political process”
Haha so true!
@Fucking... What? And if he asks me who’s the president of Ubeki-beki-beki-stan-stan, I’ll say, “I don’t know.”
If you ain’t got a job, and you ain’t rich, blame yourself! The banks may have caused the crisis in 2008, but we’re not in 2008, we’re in 2011!
I would’ve assessed… the situation in Libya, as the commander-in-chief… To see… If I would’ve done things differently…
A defined benefit plan… You go first, Newt.
We’re comparing apples with oranges here. No, that’s an apple!
In all seriousness, Herman Cain, aside from being the most intolerable egomaniac in the public eye, was the biggest joke of a candidate this country has seen in a long time. He’s the kind of caricature the rest of the world paints when they mock American politics… Only this time, he actually ran for the presidency. Fuck you, CUCR.
@oops Delete this one, Bwoggie.
@Anonymous april fools i hope…
@Anonymous [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhj2nQIiAnU&w=420&h=315%5D
@Michelle Bachmann Obama’s going to be a one term president.
@The Real Michelle Bachmann Please stand up
@Anonymous Wow, I would much rather suck my own penis than suffer through bacchanal this year. But seriously, I in all honestly would love to be able to autofellate
@this is the cain train, bro no gay shit
@sexcited can I be at the caboose?
@which makes me wonder does that mean masturbation is gay, too?
@How about this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oWy3twwTEyc
@Anonymous i hope there’s pizza
@Herman "the Godfather" Cain http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DrSEyjBj1w
@... this is the first bwog comment i have read in a long, long time that actually made me laugh out loud…
@Anonymous CUCR doesn’t need April Fool’s. They’re a joke every day.
@Anonymous Since when is personally attacking 9 people OK?
@You silly! Student wellness stuff only applies to other progressive twentysomething.
@Anonymous if this comment was about an LGBT or ethnic campus group, there would be a dozen outraged comments asking for its removal.
I come from a conservative town in the Midwest, and the dogma is just as entrenched here, if not worse.
@O.P. Definitely true about the ethnic/queer groups, although people mock the Occupy Columbia and the people camping out at Tuck-it-Away (are they still there?) in the same way even though those seem to fit the dogma. I don’t think CUCR is made up of bad people, I just don’t take them seriously as a group because they focus entirely on attention-grabbing shenanigans.
Also, I can’t figure out whether the “when is it okay to personally attack 9 people” guy is actually indignant or making a joke about how few Republicans there are.
@Anonymous It’s both. Call the cause a joke. Call the events they host a joke. But don’t call the people names.
@Anonymous it’s so cute when straight white men think they’re oppressed
@Ghost of Reagan It’s hard being a white male at Columbia….the Office of Multicultural Affairs is NOT amenable to white hetero culture….
@Sigh I’m a queer minority woman and I’m completely on that guy’s side, but keep trying to put everyone who opposes you politically into a little box. Compartmentalizing people is so much easier than considering people as individuals with individual reasons for their political beliefs.
@That said Herman Cain is a giant joke. I’ll just leave this here:
@That said... Herman Cain is a total joke. I’ll just leave this here:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE5xZKszXMQ&w=560&h=315%5D
@Really? Comparing gays to conservatives? Thanks for playing, and I award you no points.
@ohplz Because mocking someone for their oppressive political beliefs is really on par with mocking someone of a politically oppressed sexual orientation.
@Anonymous or is it 666 ?
@Anonymous Ha ha ha, hilarious april fools.
Captcha: buffo entaglement
@Anonymous Not an April Fools joke.
@Anonymous F i r s t
@The 118th Annual Varsity Show Thank you, College Repubicans, for everything.
@Anonymous http://s3-ak.buzzfed.com/static/imagebuzz/web04/2011/4/4/15/thank-you-based-god-16255-1301944212-10.jpg
@Anonymous First.
@Anonymous First